Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If there is a silver lining...

I've been struggling with a recent event in my community. I've wanted this blog to focus on the happy: the blessings, grand and small, that I want never to take for granted. But we've lost one of our neatest young men in our town and the grief is almost too heavy.

But if there is a silver lining in his death, however slight, it is this: the love and care the folks of this town are showing to his family, friends, and each other is a true blessing to behold. I give thanks to God that we are all coming together with love and prayer to help lift this burden from each other, carrying it together until it is not so crushing.

And if there is another silver lining in this dark, dark cloud, it is the reinforcement that celebrating the "marie-ment" of day to day life is a worthwhile task with many benefits.

Still, this is hard.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Shock. Light headed-ness. Amazement.

In other words, a surprise party.

Oh, no you di'int! Oh, yes you DID! One of the greatest and most unbelievable moments of my LIFE.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Birthday Girl!

There's this one:

Or this one:

But I really like this one:

Oh! I just LOVE my birthday!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Your Momma!

It's Mother's Day! Hope you've had a chance to celebrate a special woman in your life; and if it's your own mommy, all the better!

May is a special month for me... not only is it generally breathtakingly wonderful weather and holds Mother's Day, it's also my birthday! I am perpetually eight years old when I think of my birthday. I get a little giddy at the thought of balloons and cake and cards, and totally embrace my inner Birthday Girl.

My very first Mother's Day after becoming a mother was also my birthday that year. These holidays coincide fairly regularly but for it to happen THAT year was a miraculous treat. I was so happy when I became a mom; thrilled to be a part of the club of mothers, and to be the birthday girl too? Bliss.

So hugs for you and hugs (and cake) for me :). And go call your mom.