I’m going to start this post by complaining.
This year, my outside lights are sparse and intermittent. We've got to replace a post on our porch (a repair we can't currently afford) so hanging the wreaths from the 2nd story windows is unsafe. I used the strings that would normally wrap our banks of trees to line to top of our metal fence and it is—well, underwhelming..
Our attempt to have a live tree led to a cypress that can’t hold heavy (or really, anything but paper light) ornaments. Because we usually have a pre-lit tree, the only lights we have are the garden dragonfly lights, and they cover about 1/3 of the entire tree. So barren of bright lights and shiny ornaments, plus a noticeable lilt to one side, our tree looks more Charlie Brown than Griswold.
Our decision to make this year more about quality and quantity has also backfired, at least when you look at the pitiful few gifts wrapped under the crooked tree. And while I hope my kiddos appreciate how lucky they truly are, the idea that they might have that disappointed feeling of not getting the one thing they truly wanted is weighing heavily on me.
And the topper? Not 100% sure the Eldest truly “believes” anymore. And I am 100% sure I’m not ready for that.
But… and you knew I would have a big but :) … Rascal woke up this morning at 6AM, bounded into our room and exclaimed with sheer glee, “Merry Christmas!” Even when we explained it was merely Christmas Eve and not quite yet the big day, his only response was to be even more excited because he had additional anticipation time. Da Boyz are both looking forward to spending time with their grandparents and are delighted with the various baubles and trinkets of holiday cheer sprinkled around our home. And the other day, the Eldest gave me a big hug and said, “Mom, no matter what, it’s going to be a great Christmas.” He’s right.
Family, friends, love- what it’s all about. I hope you all have a “Marie Christmas”!